Everyone’s going crazy right now in the Facebook Gaming community about Axie Infinity. I just posted one story last night congratulating the Axie Infinity players because of the price ramp-up of the game tokens and everyone is asking me if I play the game or if I am looking for a scholar.

I honestly don’t play the game but I’ve been eying it for quite a while now.

So for those folks who are asking me how to get started this post can be of help even though I don’t play it since I have set up an account before as I was planning to play it back then.

Why am I not playing it? You might be curious.

Well, it’s not that I don’t want to but I think this isn’t my entry point for that game. Just like any crypto investment, you must first learn everything about it. You can’t just give out your money just because someone told you they are earning A LOT.

You have to consider that they must’ve entered the game prior to or during the Ethereum market is on a deep dive.

Anyway, I’m not here to discourage anyone. I just want to answer the why on this part and the main reason is I don’t know how to play those types of games, the price is too high right now and my money is about to be used for a laptop because my PC for content creation suck.

Honestly, I am not at that certain level to invest in this game yet. And because I am not willing to lose any at the moment, I preferred to buy a laptop first despite many of my friends telling me that I can DEFINITELY get a return on investment in a short period of time.

But for those who wanted to play, Axie Infinity here’s a guide to get started. I may not be able to teach the gameplay but I’ll help you equipped with the knowledge you need to get started.

What do you need to get started with Axie Infinity?

  1. PC, yes you can play the game on mobile but to sign up you must have the DeFi wallets required which only runs on browser extensions. Since mobile phone browsers don’t have that, a PC is a must. I strongly suggest that you use your own PC not just a public PC from computer shops.
  2. Required DeFi Wallet:
    1. RONIN — This is a side chain wallet and the main wallet used for the game. It is designed to make transactions faster and gas fees lower.
    2. MetaMask/Binance Smart Chain Wallet (Must be on ETH network) — This is used for bridging funds from and to RONIN. The supported wallet is really Metamask, but I’ll explain what the Binance Smart Chain wallet is for later on. The purpose of MetaMask is for cashing in and out ETH from Ronin’s wallet.
  3. Funds — At the time of writing, a lot of players suggest starting with 50k PHP, but a friend of mine advised me earlier that the prices are going up to 80K PHP 😱. You must be prepared for the gas fees of course otherwise you can’t transact if your funds are just really for the cost of Axies. BTW, the game requires 3 Axies(aka characters) to play.

So yes, as you can see the starting money that you need is quite high. If I’d go ahead with it I need to give up on that MacBook on my cart. 🙄

Create your crypto wallet

For beginners, setting up a DeFi wallet can be tricky but it’s really simple. My main DeFi wallet is Binance Smart Chain Wallet which supports Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain because whatever I do on dApps(Decentralized apps—like Axie Infinity) goes back to Binance Exchange for continuity of Investments. So let’s say you want to further invest your earnings from Axie Infinity. You can trade it, stake it or save it on Binance to earn more.

Binance Exchange has a trading pair for SLP and AXS so Binance DeFi wallet just makes it easier to transfer tokens between wallets and the Exchange but it’s not necessarily required since you can also do it with MetaMask.

Now when creating a DeFi wallet account all you need is to install the extension > set up a password > save your seed phrase.

Custodial vs Non-Custodial Cryptocurrency Wallets

Your seed phrase is much more important than your password. You can lose your password but never the seed phrase. Make sure you write it down in the correct sequence on a paper or wall. Just something non-digital that will never fade.

Every time you’ll create a wallet account, you’ll be given a unique seed phrase. If you don’t want to keep many seed phrases you can simply import your seed phrase to another wallet so you would have the same address and seed phrase.

You can do that with Ronin. You can create your wallet with MetaMask first and then you can import your MetaMask wallet seed phrase to Ronin. It may have the same address but it will have a different network so it’s fine.

For some people though, they would rather have multiple wallet addresses and seed phrases than one so in case they lost one they aren’t losing their entire assets. But that is up to you. Just don’t ever share or lose your seed phrase. AND BEWARE OF PRETENTIOUS SITES THAT ARE ASKING FOR SEED PHRASES.

MetaMask and Binance Chain Wallet (Decentralized Wallets to Check)

To make sure you’re getting the right wallet you can use the links below:




Funding your wallet to buy Axies without using CoinsPH

To get started fund your wallets first, you can register even without funds but why register if you don’t have LOL. You can’t explore the game anyway without Axies.

A lot of the players in the Philippines suggest that you buy your Ethereum with CoinsPH. However since Axie Infinity now has full support use for Ronin, you can now purchase Wrapped Ethereum directly. When you say wrapped ETH or WETH that is the same value of Ether but it is already the bridged version of Ether, so you can use it on Ronin’s side chain.

Buying and Selling Price of Ethereum with CoinsPH